Homeowners in Chatham County will soon receive their 2025 property reappraisal notices, a key part of the county’s four-year revaluation cycle. This process updates property values to reflect current market conditions, which impacts property taxes and helps ensure fair tax distribution across the county.
What Is a Property Revaluation?
A property revaluation is an assessment of real estate—both residential and commercial—to determine its fair market value as of a specific date. North Carolina law requires counties to conduct reappraisals at least every eight years, but Chatham County chooses a four-year cycle to better align with market changes.
Key Points About the 2025 Reappraisal
Notices will be mailed in March 2025 – Homeowners should be on the lookout for their updated property assessment.
Market conditions vary – Some properties may see an increase in value, while others may remain the same or decrease.
The tax rate is not set yet – Your final 2025 tax bill depends on the county’s new tax rate, which will be determined later in the year.
Appeals are an option – If you believe your assessed value is incorrect, you have the right to appeal the revaluation.
How Were Property Values Determined?
The Chatham County Tax Office used multiple factors to determine property values, including:
Recent sales data for similar homes in your area
Building cost trends and land values
Property characteristics like size, condition, and location
Market trends since the last reappraisal in 2021
What If You Disagree With Your New Property Value?
Homeowners who believe their assessed property value is inaccurate can appeal their valuation through the county’s appeals process.
Step 1: Informal Review (Recommended First Step)
Before filing an appeal, homeowners are encouraged to:
Compare their assessed value with recent home sales in their neighborhood.
Use Chatham County’s Comper website (chathamcountync.gov/comper) to find comparable property sales.
Check their property record for errors, such as incorrect square footage or missing updates.
If you believe your property assessment is incorrect based on these factors, you can submit an informal review request through the county website.
Step 2: Formal Appeal to the Board of Equalization and Review
If the informal review does not resolve your concerns, you can file a formal appeal with the Chatham County Board of Equalization and Review:
The deadline to submit an appeal is May 19, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.
Appeals can be submitted online at chathamcountync.gov/appraisal.
Homeowners may be asked to provide supporting documentation, such as:
Comparable sales reports
Photos of the property’s condition
Recent private appraisals
Once an appeal is received, a county representative will contact the homeowner to discuss the assessment. If a resolution is not reached, a hearing will be scheduled with the Board of Equalization and Review.
Will My Property Taxes Increase?
An increase in property value does not automatically mean higher property taxes. The final 2025 tax bill depends on the new tax rate, which will be set by the Chatham County Board of Commissioners based on budget needs. While the county is expected to adjust the tax rate to reflect the new property values, it is unclear how much individual bills will change.
Tax Relief Programs for Eligible Homeowners
Chatham County offers tax relief programs for low-income, elderly, or disabled residents. For more information on eligibility and how to apply, visit chathamcountync.gov/taxrelief.
Important Reappraisal Dates
Effective date of reappraisal – January 1, 2025
Reappraisal notices mailed – March 2025
Board of Equalization and Review hearings begin – April 7, 2025
Deadline to appeal – May 19, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.
First tax bills impacted by reappraisal – Summer 2025
Stay Informed & Review Your Notice Carefully
When your Chatham County reappraisal notice arrives in the mail, take the time to review it carefully and compare it to similar properties. If you have any concerns, be sure to begin the appeals process as soon as possible.
For assistance in understanding how these changes impact your home’s value, reach out to BOLD Real Estate today.